Treatment of shingles - that the shingles virus can do for you
Some people do not get the right treatment immediately
shingles simply because of a lack of knowledge about the shingles virus.
Understand that the shingles virus is and what it can do for you can
help you get the right kind of help.
Zoster virus
Both varicella zoster is caused by varicella-zoster.
As most people know someone who has had chickenpox can not have again.
You should also know, however, it is impossible to completely get rid of the chicken
pox virus once you've had. It will simply fall into a state of dormancy in
the spine. When the immune system becomes weak or a person affected by the
disease, the shingles virus can come back. Some people see this as a
more serious chickenpox condition, because it can cause considerable
pain and can even lead to serious complications.